3 / Five Things Friday

(1) Takeaway of the Week: Perform a calendar audit. I’m in the middle of this right now (per advice from Rachel Hollispodcast) and it really forces you to look at how you spend your time and energy and to evaluate it. The method she proposes is to make 3 lists:

  • Things that were time worthy/that you loved/would do again
  • Things that were a waste of time/energy
  • FIVE things that you LOVE and want to see more of in 2019 (ex. date nights, long runs, girl dinners, whatever)

She offers other tidbits — like looking at who got you there, putting your vacay in the calendar, etc. — that force you to evaluate what types of things you want to repeat and manifest and grow in 2019. A lot of my calendar is meetings, class, studying and events out of my control, but my free time and what meetings I attend should be a choice. I’m excited to do the calendar audit and thought it was a new process I had never heard of!

(2) Learn from: I mention two podcasts in today’s post, so my advice would be to find a method of learning that best suits you and run with it. I like podcasts because I can listen to them when I’m brushing my teeth, walking to class, going to bed, driving my car, literally whenever. We are so fortunate to live at a time where the answer to any of our questions, the starting point for any of our dreams, the ideas that spark the businesses and the initiatives and the ‘you-name-its’ are available online via our beautiful, spunky friend Google. There’s no excuse for not seeking the information you desire or want, or waiting on some magical fairy to bring it to you when it’s out there.

Peep below: the invisible, aka your learning, the personal development, the positive thinking, the all you-in-control stuff, drives the visible and what goes on the outside. //

(3) I Wish I Knew That…the invisible drives the visible. 

How you speak to yourself matters. How you talk about yourself in your head matters. What you fill your brain, your mind, your life with matters. Especially in preparing for something like Miss Missouri, you can be as polished and perfect and pageant-ready as all get out, but you’re not competing to be a pro-pageant gal forever – you’re competing for the job of Miss Missouri. Helllloooo, the job of Miss MO is not to be a pro-pageant gal forever. That’s why this quote really stuck out to me. The invisible drives the visible.

(4) Miss Missouri: Last weekend I was supposed to help emcee at the Miss Columbia pageant that unfortunately was rescheduled due to Storm Gia that hit Missouri. This is my last week of break from school, so I’ve been playing my marimba as much as I can and beginning my season of preparation for the job I’ve wanted since I was 8. With that being said, the opportunity to sponsor, partner or otherwise financially support me is available and I’d love if you would share it within your networks or to people who might align with me, my brand + what I hope to accomplish across Missouri. Email holly.enowski@gmail.com – I’m excited to work together!

(5) Resource: The Daily by the New York Times is the OG in news podcasts and it is some of the best journalism out there. A particularly insightful and important podcast… The Year in Sound: An Audio Time Capsule of 2018. It basically goes through 2018 using only clips from media coverage, press conferences, speeches, etc. to tell the story. Very revealing into what 2018 was for the United States and abroad.




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